Monday, October 28, 2013

blog 8

    many times people talking about freedom but they don't really know what freedom is. However a lot of the time you heard people said free my friend or my brother often time you see that person end up in jail. I believe if someone talk about free they're should following the rules to stay free.
      well my first reason is many people talking about freedom but they do a lot of things that can them lose they freedom. When people talking about freedom for they family they should use that as in example, I remember one of my classmate brother got arrested for selling drug and the little brother was talking about free him but a while later he got cut doing the same thing. When you are looking at things like that if show you he didn't care about freedom . However, that the reason i believe something some people don't know freedom is. often time i heard people said jail it not fun but they're always doing something to go back to jail who don't want to go to go back to go back that the person i see that really want freedom. if anyone talking about freedom they should do what it take to be free. Sometime trouble come to you but you always have to stay away from them. Sometime people said how can they stay out of trouble if you want it easy just obey the law because when you do that  it could help you out a lot.

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